Mindful Mojo for High-Performing, Overwhelmed Legal Professionals
What’s keeping you up at night?
What’s preventing you from feeling AND performing at your best?
Backed by psychological and neuroscientific research, the practices and principles of Mindful Mojo can help you achieve both!
Join us on Friday, February 5 at 12 pm ET for a power-packed session designed specifically for high-performing, overwhelmed legal professionals.
Here are the three main things that you will learn from this powerful session:
What is Mindful Mojo?
What is the Science Behind Mindful Mojo?
How you can easily apply Mindful Mojo in your personal and professional life to feel AND perform at your best.
Brief Bio
Angela Buttimer, MS, CHC, LPC is the CEO of Atlanta Center for Mindfulness and Well-Being.
With a graduate degree in counseling psychology and certifications in mindfulness, leadership development and coaching, she is uniquely positioned to help people feel and perform at their best.
She is the co-author of two books (with her husband) and delivered a TEDx talk “Defusing Stress with Mindful Mojo” in 2017 and is now a TEDx speaker coach for others.
She coaches people around business, entrepreneurship, speaking, leadership, life and health. She is a keynote speaker and corporate trainer.
Angela is a regular media contributor and is featured on tv and periodicals as a behavioral psychology expert. She also does extensive work in the mind-body integrative wellness space for cancer patients and private clients.
Her mission and message is to help others feel AND perform at their best!
eVideoCounselor is a Member Benefit of:
- Florida Bar Association (.5 hours of CLE)*
- Philadelphia Bar Association
- Wyoming State Bar (.5 hours of CLE)
This session may count towards .5 hours of CLE. Ask about whether it is approved for your association via email to gina@ginacarr.com.
**FL Bar Course #: 4498
CLE Credit: 0.5 hours General CLE Credit including 0.5 hours of Mental Illness Awareness Credit