You get full access to your counselor via face-to-face video counseling sessions right from your phone, tablet or computer
Contact UsGlobal Health Management and Informatics demonstrated eHome Counseling's effective video delivery, metrics-based treatment, and high counselor quality, with impressive results from clients after at least six sessions.
Eight out of ten clients improved overall, with significant client improvement and increase in quality of life for each major condition.
I wish I could give more stars! My counsellor was perfect! She listened to me; she celebrated my triumphs and walked me through my difficulties. In the short time I was assigned to her, I was able to rise back to my feet and regain some strength. I am grateful for her and truly miss her. I wish I could have had more time, but I am grateful for what I received. Thank you!
- Client MA
My therapist was amazing, she was so knowledgeable and helped me a lot with books to read, workbooks to complete and overall counseling. eHome was awesome, if I felt like I needed more therapy they were there to provide it to me until I felt like I was ready to move all. Knowing that I could depend on them made my recovery worry free and I was able to focus on getting better.
- Client NM
My therapist was amazing. She walked me through a very painful and difficult stage in my life. Her caring and warm demeanor really put me at ease. I cannot thank her enough for helping me gain the confidence to rebuild my life.
- Client MS
I found this service through my insurance, and it's been a game changer for me. My counselor has helped me deal with issues I had not addressed and see things more clearly where I had just been angry and hurt before. It's healing at a deep level.
- Client KM
I was introduced to this service through Wounded Warrior program, and I am so grateful to them for this opportunity. I feel completely comfortable being vulnerable with Corrina C. From our first interaction, she demonstrated empathy, compassion, a true genuine desire to help me maneuver and equip me with tools that will help in the present moment, but moreover, also for the future. Our sessions incorporate MDR and a spiritual approach. Having a therapist that is able to tie in my faith/spiritual component in our sessions has been essential in my progress. I am extremely happy to know that they also take my personal insurance as well.
- Client KG
I've enjoyed my time working with my eHome Counseling therapist. It's been very impactful in a particularly stressful time in my life. I've had other therapists in the past (Kaiser Permanente) that have been robotic and rushed me out, essentially feeling detrimental to my mental health as opposed to helping. This has been the opposite - a very personal experience that doesn't feel like its been administered off a sheet to me.
- Client AT